A Global Conference and Meeting of Minds for Adult and Pediatric Brain Injury Professionals
This conference has passed.
July 28 - 30, 2021
Conference took place in Eastern time zone.
Preliminary Program
The preliminary program for this upcoming international congress is available. To view the current program, click here.
Congress Overview
Mark your calendars now for the 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury! This multidisciplinary event will offer a broad and varied program spanning cutting-edge research to practical and applied techniques for improving outcome for persons with brain injury. The conference is a joint initiative of the International Brain Injury Association, ABI Ireland, the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society, the North American Brain Injury Society, PINK Concussions, and the IBIA Special Interest Groups.
For the 2021 Virtual World Congress, we will have a new registration category, “International Outreach”, as noted below. The rates for the 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury are:

Please note that the "Early Rates" have been extended to July 1, 2021. Registration is now open; please click "Registration" button below.
International Outreach Registration
Brain injury professionals who live and work in developing regions of the world may register for the 2021 Virtual World Congress at a subsidized rate. Professionals located in countries classified as “Low income” or “Lower middle income” as determined by the World Bank Atlas may avail themselves of this special rate. To review the index of qualifying countries, click here.
For any problems with registration, email Colleen LoGrande at clogrande@internationalbrain.org.
Keynote Speakers
The International Brain Injury Association, ABI Ireland, the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society, the North American Brain Injury Society, the ABI Ireland, PINK Concussions, and the IBIA Special Interest Groups are pleased to introduce the Keynote Speakers confirmed to-date for the upcoming 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury. The Keynote Speakers are:
- Brian Edlow, MD – USA
Massachusetts General Hospital - Christopher Giza, MD - USA
UCLA Brain Injury Research Center - Geoffrey Manley, MD, PhD – USA
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital - Skye McDonald, PhD – Australia
University of New South Wales - Andreas Meyer-Heim, MD – Switzerland
Swiss Children's Rehab, University Children’s Hospital, Zurich - Ian Robertson, PhD – Ireland
Trinity College Dublin & Global Brain Health Institute
To learn about the Keynote Speakers, please click here.
The Congress organizers have assembled an outstanding group of speakers and panelists who will participate in this unique educational event. Click on the link below for details. Additional speakers will be added as they are confirmed, so check back often!
For a list of the currently confirmed faculty, click here.
Planning Committee
Rachel Sayko Adams, PhD, MPH - USA
Vicki Anderson, PhD – Australia
David Arciniegas, MD - USA
Mark J. Ashley, ScD, CCC-SLP, CCM, CBIST - USA
Neil Austin – Ireland
Debra Braunling McMorrow, PhD - USA
Lisa A. Brenner, PhD - USA
Tamara Bushnik, PhD, FACRM - USA
Sarah Casey PhD, DClinPsy - Ireland
Enrico Castelli, MD - Italy
John D. Corrigan, PhD - USA
Lorraine Crawley, BSc (Hons), MSc - Ireland
Dervilla Danaher, MSc - Ireland
Roberta DePompei, PhD - USA
Suvi Dockree, PhD- Ireland
Donal G. Fortune, ClinPsyD, PhD - Ireland
Rita Formisano, MD, PhD - Italy
Sonya Gallagher, BA, MSc - Ireland
Flora Hammond, MD - USA
Carol Hawley, PhD - UK
Eric Hermans, PhD - The Netherlands
Marilyn F. Kraus, MD - USA
Ingela Kristiansen, MD, PhD - Sweden
Jan Lexell, MD, PhD, DPhil h.c. – Sweden
Mark Linden, PhD - UK
Andrew I.R. Maas, MD, PhD - Belgium
James F. Malec, PhD, ABPP-Cn,Rp - USA
Molly Manning, PhD, MPhil, MSc - Ireland
Jeffrey Max, MD - USA
Michael McCrea, PhD - USA
Garret McDermott – Ireland
Grainne McGettrick - Ireland
Thomas McMillan, PhD - UK
Enrique Noé, MD, PhD - Spain
Barbara O’Connell - Ireland
Philip J O'Halloran, BSc FRCS PhD - Ireland
Fiadhnait O'Keeffe, PhD, DClin Psych - Ireland
Jennie Ponsford, AO, PhD - Australia
Scott William Pyne, MD - USA
Robert Rauch, PhD, AFBPsS - Ireland
Gerard Ribbers, MD PhD – The Netherlands
Bernhard A. Sabel, MD, PhD - Germany
Caroline Schnakers, PhD - USA
Pushpa Sharma, PhD – USA
Jonathan M. Silver MD - USA
Grahame Simpson, PhD - Australia
Katherine Snedaker, LCSW - USA
Jacoba M. Spikman, PhD – The Netherlands
Olli Tenovuo, MD, PhD - Finland
Leanne Togher, PhD - Australia
J van der Naalt, MD, PhD – The Netherlands
George Vuturo, RPh, PhD - USA
Brian Waldron, PhD - Ireland
R. Stephen Walsh, PhD - Ireland
Beth Wicks – UK
Barry Willer, PhD - Canada
Nathan Zasler, MD - USA
Mariusz Ziejewski, PhD - USA
Educational Content
The conference will span an intensive three-day period and will feature internationally-renowned plenary speakers, platform lectures, workshops and panels. In addition, brain injury professionals from around the world will have the opportunity to share their research and clinical findings through the peer-reviewed abstract submission process. All conference participants will join the decision-makers and key opinion leaders who are shaping the future of brain injury research, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Education Credits
The continuing education activity will be provided through collaboration between International Brain Injury Association (IBIA) and AffinityCE. Currently, we are applying for continuing education credit for physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, rehabilitation counselors, case managers, and speech-language professionals. We expect to have the following types of credits for congress attendees:
- Physicians: Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
- Nurses: American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
- Case Managers: Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC)
- Rehabilitation Counselors: Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC)
- Speech Language Professionals: American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
- Psychologists: American Psychological Association (APA)
- Occupational Therapists: ACCME Non-Physician CME Credit, Texas PT Association
- Physical Therapists: ACCME Non-Physician CME Credit
- Social Workers: National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
- General Participation Certificate: Provided to other attendees not included above.
How to Earn CE Credit
2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury
A Global Conference and Meeting of Minds for Adults and Pediatric Brain Injury Professionals
Please Apply for Your CME by September 14, 2021
1. Go to the following Web site: ibia.cds.pesgce.com.
2. Select the activity: 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury
"A Global Conference and Meeting of Minds for Adults and Pediatric Brain Injury Professionals"
3. Enter an e-mail address and password to begin setting up your profile. Select “I Forgot My
Password” if you need to reset the password you set up.
4. Verify, correct, or add your information.
5. Proceed to view the content, examine any images and/or multimedia features, and review the
content presented within all the links provided.
6. Proceed and complete the activity evaluation for each session you attend.
7. Upon completing your evaluations, you can download your CE certificate. Your CE record will also be
stored here for later retrieval.
8. The Web site is open for completing your evaluation for by September 14, 2021.
9. After the Web site has closed, you can come back to the site at any time to print your certificate, but
you will not be able to add any evaluations.
Please send any customer service requests to cds_support+ibia@affinityced.com.
The organizers of the conference welcome the submission of original research and clinical findings on a broad range of brain injury topics. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted abstracts will be presented as oral talks or electronic posters. Accepted abstracts will also be published in IBIA’s official journal, Brain Injury.

The abstract portal is now closed. For a complete list of submission categories and information on submitting an abstract, click here.
Who Should Attend
Delegates are comprised of rehabilitation physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, educators, nurses, case managers, advocates, legal professionals and all others committed to improving the outcome of adults and children with traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury.
Race for Research
The International Brain Injury Association (IBIA) is excited to announce the Inaugural Race for Research, which will be July 10 - 17, 2021. This virtual event will expand research grant opportunities and Young Investigator participation in IBIA and its affiliate organizations, the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society, the North American Brain Injury Society, PINK Concussions and other IBIA Special Interest Groups. This virtual opportunity allows for world-wide participation for colleagues, survivors, and caregivers.
For more information on the race and to register, click here.
Exhibits & Sponsorships
The 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury presents a unique opportunity to promote your organization and create goodwill with this highly specialized group of professionals. IBIA is pleased to offer a variety of support and exhibit opportunities with a range of price points to fit most budgets.
For information on exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, click here.
Contributing Organizations
For more information on the contributing organizations, click here.