Abstract Portal is now closed!
The organizers of the conference welcome the submission of original research and clinical finding on a board range of brain injury topics. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted abstracts will be presented as oral talks or electronic posters. Accepted abstracts will also be published in IBIA’s official journal, Brain Injury.

Submission Categories
- Adult
- Pediatric
- N/A
- Allied healthcare issues
- Brain health and neurorehabilitation
- Brain Injury and COVID related issues
- Case reports, case series, observational studies
- Concussion/mild TBI
- Disorders of consciousness (DoC)
- Educational issues
- Female brain injury related issues
- Family supports/interventions
- Epidemiology, health services, and outcomes research
- Laboratory research
- Neuro-economics
- Neuroethics
- Neuromedical research
- Neurorehabilitation & therapy
- Neurotechnology
- Non-accidental and non-traumatic brain injury
- Prevention, public health, public policy & advocacy
- Psychological/Neuropsychological Research
- Stroke
Awards will be given to the top scoring abstracts submitted in each of the main categories. Award winning abstracts will be noted in the virtual program.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts accepted for publication in the journal Brain Injury with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously, are not being considered for publication elsewhere, and have been approved by each author listed on the abstract.
- Suggested abstract structure should include Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. We understand some submissions will not be able to follow this structure.
- Submissions must be submitted via the Virtual Congress on Brain Injury Abstract Portal. Once submitter has created an account, the system will guide the submitter through the process of all the details required to include: Abstract Title, Author/s and Affiliations, Presenter Bio and the Abstract, which is limited to 450 words.
- The title should be typed in title case.
- Do not double space the body of the abstract.
Avoidance of Commercialism
All presentations must avoid commercialism. Presentations that constitute promotion and advertising will be prohibited. This includes pervasive and inappropriate use of logos. No advertising matter of any kind may be included in the abstract. No material may be displayed that in any way directly promotes the commercial interest of any company or enterprise, or of the author(s)/presenter(s). If the cost of presentation has been underwritten to any extent, a clear acknowledgment stating support and identifying the particular source should be included (e.g., “The support of [name of corporation/institute] for this project is gratefully acknowledged.”) Statements made in presentations are the sole responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s). Any statement made should not be viewed as, or considered representative of, any formal stance or position taken on any product, subject, or issue by IBIA.
Accreditation Requirements
At the time of submission, submitters must provide complete contact information (e.g., name, credentials, title, institution, mailing address, email, and phone) for all authors/presenters associated with the submission. Further, all submitters, authors, and presenters must submit a current CV or resume and electronically sign a continuing education (CE) agreement and disclosure form. Failure to do so prevents acceptance of a submission.
Conference Attendance and Presenter Expenses
Submission of an abstract reflects a commitment on the part of the authors to present the abstract at the virtual event, including registering for the event. Abstracts that are not presented by one of the abstract authors will not be published in the journal, Brain Injury.